What does this mean?
Under the new law which came in to effect from 1st July 2013, MOST properties which were previously classified as “Unqualified” will become Registered properties and this includes lodging houses. However, certain properties which had not been conveyed since before the old housing law came into force were previously classed as “Unqualified” properties due a loophole under the old law which has now been closed. Consequently, and especially if the property in question is an independent dwelling with its own access, it is important to check whether previously “Unqualified” properties are now considered to be “Registered” or “Qualified” under the new law.
Whereas Lodging Houses could only previously be occupied by “Unqualified” residents, the new regime allows for Registered property to be occupied by anyone whether they are Entitled, Licenced, Entitled to Work, or Registered PROVIDED they hold a JERSEY REGISTRATION CARD.
The new legislation also provides for greater security of tenure for occupants than has previously been the case for unqualified residents living in Lodging Houses.
At QRC we recommend that when searching for a property, that you request the Estate Agent to confirm the status of the property if it is not noted on the details provided, as early as possible to prevent disappointment if you do not hold the correct housing status required for the property.
For independent and confidential advice regarding if you are able to live in Jersey contact:
Email: info@qrcci.com
Office: +44 (0)1534 854574